The Solar Wind is Stripping Oxygen and Carbon Away From Venus

The BepiColombo mission, a joint effort between JAXA and the ESA, was only the second (and…

The Solar Eclipse Like We’ve Never Seen it Before

You had to be in the right part of North America to get a great view…

The Milky Way’s Most Massive Stellar Black Hole is Only 2,000 Light Years Away

Astronomers have found the largest stellar mass black hole in the Milky Way so far. At…

Amazing Amateur Images of April 8th’s Total Solar Eclipse

The last total solar eclipse across the Mexico, the U.S. and Canada for a generation wows…

Asteroid 2024 HA flew past Earth at just 0.4 LD – the closest flyby of the year and 20th closest on record

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2024 HA flew past Earth at a distance of just 0.4 LD…

Piece of largest object ever jettisoned from ISS crashes into Florida home, U.S.

In March 2021, NASA ground controllers deployed the International Space Station’s (ISS) robotic arm to discard…

Organic Chemistry: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has recently had the privilege of investigating a myriad of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary…

The Milky Way’s History is Written in Streams of Stars

The Milky Way is ancient and massive, a collection of hundreds of billions of stars, some…

The Current Mars Sample Return Mission isn’t Going to Work. NASA is Going Back to the Drawing Board

Hmmm spaceflight is not the easiest of enterprises. NASA have let us know that their plans…

Peter Higgs Dies at 94

Just like Isaac Newton, Galileo and Albert Einstein, I’m not sure exactly when I became aware…