Electric blue blooms off Ireland – Image

Credits: ESA

The AMS-02 will search for signs of antimatter and dark matter in Space. – Video

Credits: ESA

Alexander moving inside of the module mockup – Image

Credits: ESA - H. Rueb, 2010

Luca Parmitano during training in the Neutral Buoyancy Facility at EAC

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, from Italy, during EVA pre-familiarisation training at ESA's Neutral Buoyancy Facility at…

Luca’s style of moving with a general carrying box

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, from Italy, during EVA pre-familiarisation training at ESA's Neutral Buoyancy Facility at…

Luca going to water

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, from Italy, during EVA pre-familiarisation training at ESA's Neutral Buoyancy Facility at…

Iceberg breaking off Petermann glacier in Greenland – Animation

Mars500 video diary 5 – Romain Charles is collecting air samples – Video

Credits: ESA, 2010

Ariane 5 flight V196 liftoff – Video

Credits: Arianespace

Programme manager Luciano Di Napoli and controller Rob Oremus explain MetOp-B testing – Video

Credits: ESA - S. Koenen