Loading ATV-5 cargo

ESA’s fifth and last Automated Transfer Vehicle, ATVGeorges Lemaître,will deliver more than 2600 kg of dry…

Sentinel-1A encapsulation

Sentinel-1A being encapsulated within the half-shells of the Soyuz rocket fairing. Liftoff from Europe’s spaceport in…

Why we need radar satellites

The launch of the first Sentinel-1 satellite marks a new paradigm in Earth observation focusing on operational…

Soyuz VS07 raised into vertical position

Soyuz VS07 was transferred from the preparation building MIK to the Soyuz launch zone of the Europe’s…

Soyuz VS07 raised into vertical position

Soyuz VS07 was transferred from the preparation building MIK to the Soyuz launch zone of the Europe’s…

Soyuz VS07 transfer from MIK to launch zone

Soyuz VS07 was transferred from the preparation building MIK to the Soyuz launch zone of the Europe’s…

Soyuz VS07 transfer from MIK to launch zone

Soyuz VS07 was transferred from the preparation building MIK to the Soyuz launch zone of the Europe’s…

Soyuz VS07 transfer from MIK to launch zone

Soyuz VS07 was transferred from the preparation building MIK to the Soyuz launch zone of the Europe’s…

Hoisting of Soyuz VS07 upper composite transfer

Soyuz VS07 upper composite, comprising the Fregat upper stage, payload and fairing, was transferred from the…

Soyuz VS07 upper composite mating

Soyuz VS07 upper composite, comprising the Fregat upper stage, payload and fairing, was transferred from the…