False banana: Is Ethiopia's enset 'wondercrop' for climate change?

The banana-like crop has the potential to feed more than 100 million people, according to research. …

Fly-tipping: Government plans to tackle 'new narcotics' of waste crime

Illegal dumping of rubbish is on the rise as criminals exploit flaws in the system. …

Giant pristine coral reef discovered off Tahiti

Marine explorers find a “pristine” 3km coral reef at depths of 30m off the coast of…

South Georgia: The museum at the end of the world reopens for business

On a British island at the edge of the Antarctic is one of the most remote…

The people moving from high to low-carbon careers

A growing number of people are changing to more environmentally-friendly jobs. Click here for…

River pollution: Shake-up call for investigations in Wales

Campaigners say thousands of incidents are not being investigated because of a lack of resources. …

Radar satellite's stunning map of UK and Ireland

For some technologies there are never any clouds to spoil the view. Click here…

Untreated sewage regularly dumped illegally in UK rivers

Analysis suggests seven water companies illegally dumped sewage thousands of times between 2017 and 2021. …

Should bad science be censored on social media?

A Royal Society report recommends against censoring scientific misinformation online. Click here for original…

Plastic crisis needs binding treaty, report says

Pollution from plastics is a global emergency in need of a robust UN treaty, according to…