Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995

Every type of coral has declined since 1995 because of climate change, an Australian study finds. …

New Shepard: Jeff Bezos' rocket tests Nasa Moon landing tech

The New Shepard rocket carried technology designed to return humans to the Moon in four years. …

Hidden camera's hugging tiger wins wildlife photo award

A camera-trap image of an Amur tiger takes the grand prize at Wildlife Photographer of the…

Project Artemis: UK signs up to Nasa's Moon exploration principles

The UK backs the accords that will guide the American-led return to the Moon this decade. …

Climate change: Better warning systems needed for extreme weather – UN

The world needs to rapidly raise investment in early warning systems for extreme weather events. …

Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

The report raises questions about how much immunity can be built up to the virus and…

Covid: Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

Bats have been scapegoated by humans for centuries, with Covid only the latest example, say scientists. …

Coronavirus: WHO head calls herd immunity approach 'immoral'

Dr Ghebreyesus said allowing coronavirus to spread unchecked would cause unnecessary suffering and death. …

German ship completes historic Arctic expedition

The German Research Vessel Polarstern returns to port after drifting for a year in Arctic sea-ice. …

BCG: Can a vaccine from 1921 save lives from Covid-19?

Vaccines may cause wide-scale changes in the immune system which can boost the body’s protection. …