Beirut blast was 'historically' powerful

The huge explosion in Beirut in August was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history. …

Israel moves to ban 'immoral' animal fur trade

New regulations would make it the first country in the world to outlaw selling fur for…

Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to Hepatitis C discovery

The virus is a major cause of liver cancer and can lead to people needing a…

Tasmanian Devils reintroduced into Australian wild

Its thought the mammals, classified as endangered, were wiped out on the mainland by dingoes. …

McDonald's among food firms urging tougher deforestation rules

Unilever and Tesco also say a new law should apply to all deforestation, whether legal or…

Climate: The week Boris Johnson turned green, or did he?

Are Boris Johnson’s pledges at this week’s UN general assembly a landmark for the environment? …

Nasa Wallops launch: Astronauts to test new $23m toilet at space station

Astronauts will test the female-friendly toilet before its probable use in a future lunar mission. …

National Trust suffers 'worst year' for ash dieback

The late frost and dry spring has created a ‘perfect storm’ for disease spread, the charity…

Covid-19: Funding crisis threatens zoo conservation

As Covid-19 threatens conservation work, Whipsnade Zoo is hoping for rhino breeding success. Click…

Cambridge University to cut fossil fuel investments by 2030

The university says it is responding to the “urgent existential threat” of climate change. …