What wobbling rocks can tell us about nuclear safety

How precariously balanced rocks will inform the earthquake hazards faced by critical infrastructure. Click…

Covid: Vaccine will 'not return life to normal in spring'

Leading scientists call for realism about what a vaccine against Covid can achieve next year. …

Plastic straw ban in England comes into force

Businesses can no longer sell or supply the single-use items as part of efforts to reduce…

Covid-19: Funding crisis threatens zoos' vital conservation work

The body that represents British zoos says they are facing the biggest cash crisis in their…

Extinction crisis: World leaders say it is time to act

As world leaders line up to address the UN biodiversity summit, experts say our future is…

Biodiversity: Why the nature crisis matters, in five graphics

Human destruction of nature has led to the extinction of many plants and animals. …

Space station crew woken up to hunt for air leak

Ground controllers say the leak is coming from a Russian module on the International Space Station. …

Berlin patient: First person cured of HIV, Timothy Ray Brown, dies

Mr Brown, known as the Berlin patient, was cured after a bone marrow transplant to treat…

Two-fifths of plants at risk of extinction, says report

We are failing to harness the many benefits plants can provide, say scientists. Click…

Great Barrier Reef: Uncovering the secrets of Australia's deep waters

Scientists explain how the biggest deep-sea study of two marine parks led to exciting discoveries. …