North Sea oil spills a wildlife threat – activists

Data and satellite images show oil spills over five years that threaten species like orca whales. …

Nasa's JPL snake robot explores extreme terrain

Nasa’s JPL is developing a snake robot surveyor to search for signs of life in our…

Ever wonder what it's like to live on Mars?

For a full year, four people will live in a simulation of the planet to help…

Climate change: Fossil fuel emissions from electricity set to fall – report

Rise in wind and solar energy means that use of coal, oil and gas may have…

Poultry to be allowed outside as bird flu eases

The mandatory housing order for England and Wales will lift on April 18 Click…

People were taking drugs in Spain 3,000 years ago, study finds

A new study finds people in Menorca got high on hallucinogenic drugs during the Bronze Age. …

Covid origins: Chinese scientists publish long-awaited data

A peer-reviewed study connects the virus with animals sold in the market linked with early cases. …

Dartmoor National Park Authority considers wild camping ban appeal

A judge ruled in January that Dartmoor Park campers would need landowners’ permission. Click…

Virgin Orbit boss blasts leaders in parting email

Tony Gingiss, chief operating officer at the rocket firm, tells staff they “deserved better”. …

Digital map created of UK's underground pipes and cables

It is hoped a digital map of power cables, gas pipes and sewers will help avoid…