Climate change: Offshore wind expands at record low price

The UK announces projects to power seven million homes with wind power – and no need…

Climate protest student: 'I'm here to step up and say no more'

Student Gina Hale is one of the protesters taking part in the day of climate action. …

SLS: Nasa's giant 'Moon rocket' takes shape

Nasa finishes assembling the main structural components for its largest rocket since the Apollo-era Saturn V. …

The man who stopped a mega-dam and saved Borneo's rainforest

Peter Kallang has been awarded a top environmental prize for a successful campaign to stop a…

Cut air pollution to fight climate change – UN

The global effort to tackle emissions will be debated at the UN Climate Action Summit in…

Climate change: Arctic expedition to drift in sea-ice for a year

Germany will embed its Polarstern research ship in sea-ice for a year-long study of the climate. …

Bird populations 'in global crisis'

Bird populations in the US and Asia are “in crisis”, according to two major studies. …

Denisovans: Face of long-lost human relative unveiled

The reconstructions offer the first glimpse of what the Denisovan looked like. Click here…

Fish waste-based alternative to plastic wins Dyson Award

MarinaTex is an alternative to the single-use plastics such as those used in sandwich packets. …

Climate change: Rugby World Cup highlights injustice

Pacific nations bearing brunt of climate inaction by Australia, US and hosts Japan says Christian Aid…