Wildlife deserts nature reserve known as Europe's Amazon

Forest fires ignited by Russian shelling have devastated Ukraine’s Drevlyansky reserve. Click here for…

Bird flu: Poultry in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex to be kept indoors

Birds in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex cannot be outside from Wednesday, amid the UK’s…

Young activists urge focus on cash for climate damage at COP27

Campaigners meeting ahead of the summit say it must deal with the long-running issue of ‘loss…

Climate change: World aviation agrees 'aspirational' net zero plan

UN member states pledge to decarbonise air travel, but green groups say the deal is weak…

UK wardrobes stuffed with unworn clothes, study shows

A quarter of our clothes haven’t been worn for a year but we are keeping garments…

Big Butterfly Count: Sightings worryingly low, say UK conservationists

Conservationists say they expected this year’s warm summer to be a much better one for butterflies. …

Dancers' moves help to power Glasgow music venue

Heat energy is being captured from people dancing to help a Glasgow venue reduce its carbon…

UK defies climate warnings with new oil and gas licences

More than 100 licences are expected to be granted for new fossil fuel exploration in the…

New oil and gas at odds with green goals – report

New licenses for North Sea oil and gas are incompatible with reaching net zero by 2050,…

Scottish fossil revealed to be pterodactyl ancestor

X-ray scans of a tiny reptile fossil reveal the pterodactyls’ ancestors scampered around on two legs. …