Hubble Snaps a Sea of Sequins

This star-studded image shows the globular cluster Terzan 9 in the constellation Sagittarius, toward the center…

Subpopulation of Greenland Polar Bears Found by NASA-Funded Study

As human-caused climate change warms the planet and Arctic sea ice melts away, polar bears are…

NASA Spacecraft Observes Asteroid Bennu’s Boulder “Body Armor”

Asteroid Bennu’s boulder-covered surface gives it protection against small meteoroid impacts, according to observations of craters…

The Coronal Veil: Are the Sun’s Magnetic Arches an Optical Illusion?

In extreme ultraviolet light, the Sun resembles a rumpled ball of yarn. It teems with giant…

NASA Completes Critical Testing Milestone for NOAA’s JPSS-2 Satellite

The Joint Polar Satellite System-2 satellite, or JPSS-2, has cleared a critical testing milestone, bringing it…

24. Deep Space Network – Follow the Sun | NASA's The Invisible Network Podcast

In this second episode in the fifth season of NASA’s “The Invisible Network” podcast, we take…

Dead Star Caught Ripping Up Planetary System

Both rocky and icy bodies were identified among the debris on the surface of a white…

NASA Interns’ First Day at Goddard

From working at home to a hybrid internship, Goddard welcomes the triumphant return of some students. …

Citizen Scientists and VR Software Help Find New Insights in NASA Data

Citizen Scientists and VR Software Help Find New Insights in NASA Data Click here…

NASA Telescope to Help Untangle Galaxy Growth, Dark Matter Makeup

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will study wispy streams of stars that extend far beyond…