Never-before-seen space explosion is incredibly bright but fades fast

An explosion that was billions of times brighter than the sun but faded within a month…

India's moon craft enter sleep mode and await freezing lunar night

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is officially complete, with both the rover and lander powering down for the…

India set to launch probe to investigate mysteries of the sun

The Aditya-L1 satellite will sit between the sun and Earth and provide constant observation data to…

Have interstellar meteor fragments really been found in the ocean?

Astrophysicist Avi Loeb and his team claim to be the first to have found fragments from an…

Iconic supernova captured by the James Webb Space Telescope

The supernova 1987A lies around 168,000 light years from Earth, and is the closest stellar explosion…

Is an enormous shield the worst way to protect Earth from asteroids?

There are several reasonable ways to protect Earth from any potential asteroid threats, but in this…

How the JUICE mission will look for habitability on Jupiter's moons

ESA’s JUICE mission will help us better understand whether Jupiter’s icy moons are habitable. But we…

India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover swerves to avoid crater

The six-wheeled Pragyan rover had to change course to avoid a 4-metre-wide crater on the surface…

Massive crater found on distant world far beyond Neptune

An object in the Kuiper Belt named 2002 MS4 has a depression 45 kilometres deep and…

JWST may have seen black holes suppressing the creation of new stars

The supermassive black holes at the centre of many galaxies were suspected to quench the formation…