Soyuz Lifts Off Carrying Jeff Williams and Crewmates to Station

A Soyuz rocket lifts off from rom the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on March 19, (March…

Launch, Docking Returns International Space Station Crew to Full Strength

NASA astronaut Jeff Williams is now the first American to become a three-time, long-term resident of…

NASA Targets Early April for Eighth SpaceX Cargo Launch

Media accreditation now is open for the April launch of a cargo resupply service mission to…

Gantry Arms Close Around the Soyuz TMA-20M Spacecraft

The gantry arms close around the Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft to secure the rocket, as seen in…

Haze Layers Above Pluto

This image of haze layers above Pluto’s limb was taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera…

NASA TV Coverage Set for Fifth Orbital ATK Resupply Mission to Space Station

NASA commercial provider Orbital ATK is scheduled to launch its fifth mission to the International Space…

Science Papers Reveal New Aspects of Pluto and its Moons

A year ago, Pluto was just a bright speck in the cameras of NASA’s approaching New…

Planetary Conference to Feature Ceres, Mars, Pluto Science Results

Researchers from NASA and other institutions will present science results from the agency’s Mars missions, New…

NASA Pursues Burning Desire to Study Fire Safety in Space

Glenn engineers are improving spacecraft fire safety through an experiment scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space…

March 16, 1966: Gemini’s First Docking of Two Spacecraft in Earth Orbit

On March 16, 1966, command pilot Neil Armstrong and pilot David Scott successfully docked their Gemini…