Cargo Transfers and Maintenance for Shuttle and Station Crews Today

The crews of space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station awoke at 3:24 a.m. EST…


Anchored to a Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, NASA astronaut Steve Bowen participates in the STS-133 mission's…

STS-133 MCC Status Report #18

The crews of space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station will divide and conquer today,…

STS-133 MCC Status Report #19

First they brought the Permanent Multipurpose Module into orbit, and today they continued work to unpack…

Crew Wraps Up Flight Day 9

The Discovery crew’s sleep period begins at 7:23 p.m. EST, with a wakeup call scheduled for…

Cause of Station False Alarm Diagnosed

Russian flight controllers have diagnosed the cause of the false smoke alarm that was triggered in…

Controllers, Crew Investigate False Alarm on Station

International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly used a compound specific analyzer to sample air in the…

Crew Investigates Station Smoke Alarm

Crew members aboard the International Space Station are investigating the cause of a smoke alarm in…

Crew Focuses on Cargo Transfers Today

Today’s wake up song was “The Ritual / Ancient Battle / 2nd Kroykah from Star Trek:…

NASA Announces Winners Of OPTIMUS PRIME Spinoff Video Contest

NASA has announced the winners of the 2010 NASA OPTIMUS PRIME Spinoff Award. The contest encouraged…