NASA Ushers In New Space Exploration Era At Wallops Flight Facility

NASA ushered in a new era of space exploration at its Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia…

NASA Ames Wins Agency Awards for Inventions

NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., has won two agency awards: the 2010 Government…

Endeavour’s Payload Installation Slated This Week

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer and a pallet loaded with large spare parts will be taken to…

NASA And Etsy Announce Winners Of “Space Craft” Contest

During a Friday ceremony in Brooklyn, N.Y., NASA and Etsy, an online marketplace for handmade arts…

Spacebound Bacteria Inspire Earthbound Remedies

Recent research aboard the space shuttle is giving scientists a better understanding of how infectious disease…

Expedition 27 Launch Date And NASA Television Coverage Updated

The Russian Federal Space Agency has adjusted the launch date for the next three residents of…

Kepler Mission Manager Update

Kepler Returns to Science

Spacebound Bacteria Inspire Earthbound Remedies

Astronaut Fred Haise was a long way from home when he became sick with an infection…

Super Perigee Moon

The full moon is seen as it rises near the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, March 19, 2011,…

Endeavour’s APUs Fueled for Flight this Weekend

Technicians at NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A will complete preparations to fuel space shuttle…