Crew Continues Docking Preps

The crew has completed the set up of the Centerline Berthing Camera System that will be…

Heat Shield Inspections Continue

The survey of the shuttle’s heat shield is ongoing. The inspection makes use of a suite…

STS-129 Crew Begins Busy Day

The six crew members aboard space shuttle Atlantis began the second day of their mission Tuesday…

Busy Second Day in Space for STS-129 Crew

The six crew members aboard space shuttle Atlantis began the second day of their mission Tuesday…

NASA’s Wise Gets Ready to Survey the Whole Sky

NASA'S Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or Wise, is chilled out, sporting a sunshade and getting ready…

NASA and Microsoft Allow Earthlings to Become Martians

NASA and Microsoft Corp. of Redmond, Wash., have collaborated to create a Web site where Internet…

STS-129 Lifts Off

Guests at NASA's Kennedy Space Center view the launch of space shuttle Atlantis in Cape Canaveral,…

Monitoring the Launch

NASA mission managers monitor the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis from Firing Room Four of…

STS-129 MCC Status Report #02

With a picture-perfect launch day under their belts, Atlantis’ crew members will spend their first full…

STS-129 MCC Status Report #03

Atlantis astronauts Tuesday inspected the space shuttle’s thermal protection system, checked out spacesuits and prepared to…