STS-129 Crew Completes Robotic Arm Checkout

The STS-129 crew is wrapping up a busy day following the successful launch of Atlantis at…

NASA TV to Air External Tank Video Recorded by Crew

At 7:03 p.m. EST, NASA Television will air video of the external tank recorded by Atlantis’…

Mission Managers Praise STS-129 Launch Teams

"What a great way to start this mission," said Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations.…

Liftoff of Space Shuttle Atlantis!

Space shuttle Atlantis and its crew of six astronauts are headed for space, ready to begin…

Mission Management Team Gives “Go” for Liftoff

Space shuttle Atlantis has been cleared for launch this afternoon at 2:28 EST. The mission management…

Atlantis’ Hatch is Closed and Latched

At NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A, space shuttle Atlantis' crew access hatch has been…

Astronauts at Launch Pad

The crew of STS-129 is getting into space shuttle Atlantis as the countdown continues on schedule…

STS-129 Crew Heads for Launch Pad 39A

The astronauts' trip to space begins with an short drive to the launch pad. After spending…

Atlantis Gets a “Go” for Tanking

The Space Shuttle Program Mission Management Team met at 4:30 a.m. EST and gave a “go”…

NASA Hosts Native Peoples Workshop to Study Climate Change

NASA will hold a second national strategies workshop to examine the impacts of climate change and…