NASA Managers Set to Meet

NASA officials will conduct a Flight Readiness Review on Aug.18 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in…

NASA Launches New Technology: An Inflatable Heat Shield

A successful NASA flight test Monday demonstrated how a spacecraft returning to Earth can use an…

NASA Gives Media, Public Look Inside Apollo Moon Rock Vault

NASA will offer reporters an unprecedented chance to conduct interviews with scientists inside the lab that…

Inflatable Re-entry Vehicle Experiment Launches

A successful NASA flight test on Monday, Aug. 17, demonstrated how a spacecraft returning to Earth…

Stennis Engineers Part of Inaugural Leadership Development Class

Two John C. Stennis Space Center engineers were among the inaugural class of graduates from NASA’s…

NASA Researchers Discover Life’s Building Block in Comet

NASA scientists have discovered glycine, a fundamental building block of life, in samples of comet Wild…

NASA Exploration Exhibit Tours Oregon State

America’s plans for opening the space frontier – including new human exploration of Earth's moon and…

Space Shuttle Discovery Continues Launch Preparations

While space shuttle Discovery’s STS-128 launch preparations continue at Florida’s Kennedy Space Center, the astronaut crew…

Testing Tops Weekend Work

Weekend launch preparations for the STS-128 mission include a test of a newly installed hydraulic power…

Final Integrated Launch Sim Today

The space shuttle simulator will get a workout today as the crew of Discovery performs its…