Orion Exploration Vehicle Mockup Displayed at Stennis

A full-scale mockup of NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle stopped Wednesday at StenniSphere, the visitor center…

Northern California Astronaut to Fly on Next Shuttle

NASA's next space shuttle mission will carry Jose Hernandez, who considers Stockton, Calif., his hometown, into…

Flight Readiness Review to Continue Wednesday

The Space Shuttle Program’s Flight Readiness Review conducted discussions and analyzed data relating to Discovery’s STS-128…

Preliminary Review Under Way

Space Shuttle Program managers are meeting in Houston today for the first of two days of…

Coiled Creature

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has imaged a wild creature of the dark -- a coiled galaxy…

NASA Ames Research Center Engineer Honored

Fifteen systems engineers from across NASA graduated from the first class of the Systems Engineering Leadership…

Managers to Gather Tuesday for Review

The Space Shuttle Program will begin its Flight Readiness Review on Tuesday, a standard session to…

In-Space Operations Training on Tap

Rendezvous training and other practice for tasks in space are on the menu today for the…

NASA’S Orion Spacecraft Makes Stops During Florida-Texas Trek

A full scale mockup of NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle soon will be moved from Florida…

NASA and ATK To Conduct Full-Scale Motor Test For Ares I Rocket

NASA and Alliant Techsystems Inc. [ATK] will conduct the first full-scale, full-duration test of the new…