NASA's Mars Helicopter Prepares for Its First Flight Date

The experimental vehicle named Ingenuity traveled to the red planet with the Perseverance rover, which is…

Oumuamua: It Came From Another Solar System

A piece of an extrasolar Pluto may have passed through our cosmic neighborhood, a new study…

The Water on Mars Vanished. This Might Be Where It Went.

Mars once had rivers, lakes and seas. Although the planet is now desert dry, scientists say…

Biden Nominates Bill Nelson to Lead NASA

Bill Nelson flew on a space shuttle in 1986 and lost re-election for a fourth Senate…

Watch NASA Test Its Giant New S.L.S. Moon Rocket

A test earlier this year of the Space Launch System core stage was marred by errors,…

The Space Launch System: NASA's Last Rocket

The United States is unlikely to build anything like the Space Launch System ever again. But…

China and Russia Agree to Explore the Moon Together

The two countries, moving increasingly closer, signed a memorandum of agreement to collaborate on lunar missions,…

Allan McDonald Dies at 83; Tried to Stop the Challenger Launch

An engineer for the company responsible for the shuttle’s booster rockets, he opposed letting it take…

The Moon's Comet-Like Tail Shoots Beams Around the Earth

“It almost seems like a magical thing,” said one of the astronomers involved in studying the…

Watch SpaceX's Starship Test Launch

Two earlier high-altitude flights of the Starship spacecraft crashed spectacularly after successful liftoffs. Click…