Benefits of later school entry for kids spill over to younger siblings, study finds

Having a high-achieving older sibling helps children, especially those from socioeconomically disadvantaged families, succeed academically, according…

Quantum visualization technique gives insight into photosynthesis

Systems obeying quantum mechanics are notoriously difficult to visualize, but researchers at the University of Illinois…

Brazilian algorithm aims to project future of Amazon rainforest and predict changes in carbon capture

A group of researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in São Paulo state, Brazil,…

Betelgeuse is almost 50% brighter than normal. What's going on?

Whenever something happens with Betelgeuse, speculations about it exploding as a supernova proliferate. It would be…

Europe seeks flourishing forests through restoration

Efforts to improve biodiversity in Europe’s woodlands will help them better withstand the stresses of climate…

Preventing pandemics by leaving bats undisturbed

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly subsides, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) experts and colleagues…

UN climate chief hails 'unique insights' of embattled COP28 head

The UN’s top climate official hailed the “unique insight” of a UAE oil executive whose naming…

UNESCO hails $2.9-bn Australian plan to protect Great Barrier Reef

The UN’s cultural agency UNESCO welcomed on Tuesday commitments from Australia to protect the Great Barrier…

Study reveals honey bee nest structure is surprisingly adaptive, resilient

Researchers from the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn University have discovered that honey bee colonies…

Illuminating the molecular ballet in living cells using an ultrafast camera

Researchers at Kyoto University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), and Photron Limited…