UK's poorest children likelier to have less understanding of personal finances, study finds

A new study of 3,745 families from across the UK demonstrates a “sizeable” gap in the…

Why we need to fall out of love with flaky white fish

The UK’s growing mismatch between the fish we catch and the fish we want to eat…

Shows like 'Succession' tap into our deepest desires for escapism, says researcher

Though the finale of “Succession” aired on May 28, the conversation about our collective cultural obsession…

For sheds in wildfire zones, researchers determine how close is too close to home

It may seem obvious that a flammable structure placed next to a house poses a fire…

Researchers show mobile elements monkeying around the genome

Baboons (Papio) are found across the continent of Africa, from the west to the east and…

Couples' social networks took long-lasting hit during COVID

Following the lockdowns and restrictions on public gatherings in the early days of COVID-19, the social…

Study identifies boat strikes as a growing cause of manatee deaths in Belize

The endangered Antillean manatee faces a growing threat from boat strikes in Belize, according to a…

Climate change forces a rethinking of mammoth Everglades restoration plan

In 1948, work got underway in the Florida Everglades on a public works project hailed as…

Ozone layer recovery delayed, surface UV radiation continues to rise, finds study

According to a new study published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, the ozone isn’t healing as…

Industrially applied and relevant transformations of 1,3-butadiene using homogeneous catalysts

The use of 1,3-butadiene as a cheap and abundant raw material for new applications has attracted…