Study leads to milestone advances in understanding lethal bronzing of palm trees

Palm trees infected with lethal bronzing disease emit signals that warn nearby healthy palms of the…

Short-lived solutions for tall trees in Chile's megadrought

For more than a decade, forests across much of Chile have been experiencing a megadrought, its…

Countries tussle at 'rocky' global plastic talks

Negotiators charged with hammering out a global treaty to end plastic pollution were warned there was…

Once hostile, NASA holds first public meeting on UFOs

The truth is out there—but we’re going to need to look harder. Click here…

Firefighters in east Canada battle 'unprecedented' blazes

Firefighters on Wednesday faced a grueling uphill battle against wildfires in Canada’s Nova Scotia province, including…

Triple-whammy of cyclones, a 1-in-200-year event, drove Italy's deadly flooding, scientists say

A rare, triple-whammy of cyclones drove the deadly flooding that devastated much of northern Italy this…

AI crop predictor aids Africa's crisis planning

An artificial intelligence (AI) tool is using satellite remote sensing and machine learning to predict agricultural…

NASA researchers detect tsunamis by their rumble in the atmosphere

New hazard-monitoring technology uses GPS signals to go wave-hunting in the Pacific Ring of Fire. GUARDIAN’s…

Phenomenal phytoplankton: Scientists uncover cellular process behind oxygen production

Take a deep breath. Now take nine more. According to new research, the amount of oxygen…

Understanding the tantalizing benefits of tantalum for improved quantum processors

Whether it’s baking a cake, building a house, or developing a quantum device, the quality of…