Researchers solve colorful Kuiper Belt puzzle

The Kuiper Belt is a massive disk of icy bodies, including Pluto, that is located just…

Neanderthal and human fire-making methods suggest different origins, shared intelligence

Professor Marlize Lombard, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, who has a research focus in stone age…

As water levels drop, the risk of arsenic rises

When John Mestas’ ancestors moved to Colorado over 100 years ago to raise sheep in the…

'Lab-on-a-chip' can tell the difference between COVID and the flu

Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, accurate testing remains a challenge, even more so as the…

How much nitrogen does corn get from fertilizer? Less than farmers think

Corn growers seeking to increase the amount of nitrogen taken up by their crop can adjust…

The age of blood stains says more about the crime

The composition of blood stains changes over the course of weeks and months. Forensic medicine hopes…

More pragmatic approach needed when sourcing seeds for ecological restoration in New Zealand

It’s time to relax the strict guidelines around ecosourcing seed for local genetic stock if we…

How linked data, artificial intelligence could help animals

Dating apps are making predictions about who you’ll fall in love with while marketers are using…

Greenlandic glacial rock flour can help fight climate change, show two new studies

The first experiments with glacial rock flour from Greenland show that it can capture significant amounts…

New 3D stretchable electronics can advance organ-on-chip technology

Flexible electronic nanomembranes show promise for revolutionary organ-on-chip technologies, potentially reducing the need for animal testing…