Electron re-collision tracked in real time

The motion of an electron in a strong infrared laser field is tracked in real time…

RHIC gets ready to smash gold ions for Run 23

The start of this year’s physics run at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) also marks…

Nose shape gene inherited from Neanderthals

Humans inherited genetic material from Neanderthals that affects the shape of our noses, finds a new…

The 'water cops' of Las Vegas make city a model in drought-hit US

Known around the world as an oasis of overindulgence, the desert city of Las Vegas has…

Toll from DR Congo floods rises to nearly 400: official

The death toll from floods and landslides triggered by heavy rain in the east of the…

Thailand chokes on pollution but greens struggle to be heard in election

Trudging along Bangkok’s hot and dusty streets, green candidates struggle to canvass support ahead of Thailand’s…

Slow-paced nature TV captivates Swedish audiences

Using dozens of cameras set up throughout Sweden’s massive forests, weeks-long live broadcasts of elk and…

NASA launches two small satellites to track hurricanes

NASA launched two small satellites designed to track tropical cyclones hour by hour from a base…

Scientists find chemical that stops locust cannibalism

Plagues of locusts that darken the skies and devastate all things that grow have been recorded…

International study reveals genetic link between modern wine grapes and ancient varieties

A new study led by the paleogenetic laboratory of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at…