Historical memories have long reach in consumer preferences, study finds

Zachary Zhong had heard his grandparents’ stories about the Japanese invasion in 1944 of neighboring counties…

Colorado wildflowers could be epic this year thanks to abundant snowpack, but other factors in play

With Colorado’s snowpack ranging from ample to exceptional this spring, hikers who adore wildflowers may already…

These Marines drank Camp Lejeune's poison. The road to justice is long

Joan Palumbo wasn’t told the danger she was in when she stepped under the showerhead in…

First SuperCDMS detector towers ready for dark matter detection experiment

After years of pioneering work, researchers at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have…

Disentanglement: Breaking the activity-selectivity 'tradeoff' effect in catalytic conversion

Researchers have reported a strategy to disentangle the activity-selectivity tradeoff for direct conversion of syngas, a…

Half of the world's largest lakes are losing water, shows new study

More than 50% of the largest lakes in the world are losing water, according to a…

Coyotes, bobcats move into human-inhabited areas to avoid apex predators, only to be killed by people

Since their protection under the Endangered Species Act, wolf populations have been making a comeback in…

In years after El Niño, global economy loses trillions

In the years it strikes, the band of warm ocean water spanning from South America to…

Wiring up quantum circuits with light

Quantum computers promise to solve challenging tasks in material science and cryptography that will remain out…

A perfect 'pathogen' storm: Vibrio bacteria, Sargassum and plastic marine debris

A new study uncovers how the interplay between Sargassum spp., plastic marine debris and Vibrio bacteria…