New York City building weight contributing to subsidence drop of 1–2 millimeters per year

A trio of oceanologists at the University of Rhode Island working with a geologist colleague from…

Flirting with climate danger: UN forecasts 2 in 3 chance of briefly hitting key heat limit soon

There’s a two-out-of-three chance within the next five years that the world will temporarily reach the…

Machine-learning model makes more accurate predictions about ocean currents

To study ocean currents, scientists release GPS-tagged buoys in the ocean and record their velocities to…

New method to thaw frozen frog sperm produces better swimmers

Scientists have uncovered a superior method of freezing and thawing frog sperm leading to improved sperm…

Webb telescope spots signs of universe's biggest stars

The James Webb Space Telescope has helped astronomers detect the first chemical signs of supermassive stars,…

Diagnosing inflammatory diseases with synthetic peptides

Common inflammatory disorders such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can be diagnosed or monitored by…

Frigid US city becomes haven in climate change era

Standing on the frigid coast of Lake Superior, thawing ice glistening in the northern Minnesota sun,…

US 'space symphony' puts stunning NASA images to music

It could be the ultimate blend of art and science—a new seven-suite “space symphony” inspired and…

Vaccine authorized for emergency use in California condors amid bird flu outbreak

California condors will receive a vaccine for a deadly strain of avian influenza that threatens to…

The 'invisible' cellulose coatings that mitigate surface transmission of pathogens

Research has shown that a thin cellulose film can inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus within minutes, inhibit…