Researchers determine global thickness and density of Martian crust

A strong quake in the last year of the NASA Mars InSight mission, enabled researchers at…

New study quantifies link between climate crisis, wildfires

In a first, US climate scientists have quantified the extent to which greenhouse gasses from the…

Tank-mixing herbicides may not be enough to avoid herbicide resistance

Eight years ago, University of Illinois and USDA-ARS scientists turned weed control on its head. More…

Trailhead as art: Student researchers create signs with impact

It’s a well-known truism in the world of park management: Hikers rarely read trailhead signs. …

Automated agricultural machinery requires new approaches to ensuring safety, says study

From self-driving tractors to weeding robots and AI-powered data collection, automated machinery is revolutionizing agricultural production.…

Superconductivity with Tc as high as 32K found in borides

Superconductors with high transition temperature (high-Tc SCs) are long-sought targets in the condensed matter physics and…

Study: Postsecondary university education improves IQ of adult students with intellectual disability

Post-secondary education (PSE) has a potential for improving the IQ of adults with mild intellectual disability…

Chemists unravel reaction mechanism for clean energy catalyst

Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, is a clean fuel that could revolutionize the energy industry.…

Multi-site observation of large-scale eddies in the surface layer of the Loess Plateau

A study recently published in the journal Science China Earth Sciences was led by Dr. Chen…

Researchers design smaller, lighter space-based imaging spectrometers with high spectral resolution

Researchers have developed a new smaller, lighter design for space-based imaging spectrometers with high spectral resolution.…