Experts expect about 50% fewer new coal-fired power plants than announced

For the climate, it is a shocking number: By the middle of last year, the capacity…

Webb looks for Fomalhaut's asteroid belt and finds much more

Astronomers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to image the warm dust around a nearby young…

X-ray beams help researchers learn new tricks from old metals

A research team led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory used powerful…

Scintillating science: Researchers improve materials for radiation detection and imaging technology

A team of Florida State University researchers has further developed a new generation of organic-inorganic hybrid…

Novel technique for rapid detection of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and chronic wasting disease

University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers have developed a new diagnostic technique that will allow for…

Feedback from an AI-driven tool improves teaching, research finds

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming education, in both worrisome and beneficial ways. On the positive side…

Tail first and making an early splash, some whales just can't wait to be born

Did you know whales are born tail first? They enter their water world being able to…

Study reveals how blame is attributed to male and female leaders

New research finds that female leaders are given the benefit of the doubt when they do…

'Supercharged' insecticide effective against insecticide-resistant mosquitoes

New York University researchers recently created a new and improved crystal form of deltamethrin, a common…

How removing parenting payments when children turned 8 harmed rather than helped single mothers

As the government weighs up whether to extend single parenting payments to parents of children older…