Femtosecond lasers with BiBurst enhance ablation speed of silicon by a factor of 23

Scientists working on laser application at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP) have employed a…

Investigations into factors controlling growth and lignin synthesis in spruce

Norway spruce is a large coniferous tree native to Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe. Conifers make…

Examining the stowaways in the genome

During a large-scale study of complex single-celled microbes, Dr. Christopher Bellas, Marie-Sophie Plakolb and Prof. Ruben…

Mutant strains of Salmonella make infection more aggressive in commercial poultry, study shows

In Brazil, a group of researchers supported by FAPESP created mutant forms of Salmonella to understand…

Stopping storms from creating dangerous urban geysers

During intense rainstorms, residents of urban areas rely on stormwater sewers to keep streets and homes…

New imaging method enables pollution monitoring through precise detection of gold nanoparticles in woodlice

The woodlouse goes by many names: roly-poly, pill bug, potato bug, tomato bug, butchy boy, cheesy…

Study re-evaluates hazards and climate impacts of massive underwater volcanic eruptions

Material left on the seafloor by bronze-age underwater volcanic eruptions is helping researchers better understand the…

Newly identified embryonic airway cell type holds promise for respiratory disease therapies

An international research team has discovered a new cell state in embryonic airway development that has…

Evidence found of possible interdomain horizontal gene transfer leading to development of the eye in vertebrates

A group of molecular and chemical biologists at the University of California, San Diego, has found…

Why don't larger dogs live as long as smaller breeds?

Scientists have for the first time explained why larger dogs have shorter lifespans than smaller dogs—selective…