Climate extremes and forest age mediate drought-induced forest mortality in northeast China

Drought-induced forest mortality is associated with climatic factors (e.g., high-temperature, precipitation deficit) and forest age, but…

Chinese FY-3 satellites enrich global soil moisture dataset

Surface soil moisture (SSM) plays an important role in drought and flood monitoring, weather forecasting, among…

Pesticides detected in pollen and nectar may pose a long-term hazard for pollinators

Pesticides have been detected in flowers not targeted with the chemicals that could be an additional,…

Eco‐friendly 3D printed polymer composite parts made from chitosan of terrestrial insects

An international interdisciplinary team of researchers from India, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand has successfully developed a…

China tests a Stirling engine in orbit

The China National Space Agency (CNSA) has made considerable progress in recent years with the development…

Ancient magma reveals signs of life in zircons from ancient Earth

Zircon crystals, like a time capsule, can preserve traces of life hundreds of millions of years…

Radio tracking reveals greater predation risk for female katydids

Just like humans, animals move about to find food, shelter, and mates. Movement in the wild,…

Researchers trace genetic agent in life-threatening fungal disease

Nature has an ingenious way of taking advantage of beneficial situations. Click here for…

New atomic-scale understanding of catalysis could unlock massive energy savings

In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers…

Costs of natural disasters set to increase with continued rise in CO2 and global temperature

Scientists have long predicted that global climate change could fuel an increase in the frequency and…