Bacteria resistant to 'last resort' antibiotic found in LA County wastewater

Bacteria that render colistin, a “last resort” antibiotic, ineffective are lurking in SoCal’s wastewater. While bacteria…

In rush to fight climate change, cities coordinate to battle heat with trees

From Seattle to Palm Beach, Florida, city leaders agree that urban areas need more trees to…

Gray seals are returning to UK waters, but their situation remains precarious

Seals, sea lions and walruses—a group of animals called pinnipeds—have been heavily exploited throughout much of…

A dictionary of the manosphere: Five terms to understand the language of online male supremacists

Thot. White knight. Red pilled. Cuck. Beta. Soyboy. Unicorn. Chad. Click here for original…

Macaque monkeys shrink their social networks as they age—research suggests evolutionary pattern seen in elderly people

There are many changes that can come with old age—hair turns gray, eyesight isn’t quite what…

What The Jetsons got right, and very wrong, about the future of work

Sixty years ago the animated series The Jetsons finished its first and only season before being…

Acres of LA County sewage sludge threaten to contaminate Tulare Lake floodwaters

Here at the western edge of the Tulare Lake Basin dwells a smelly industrial site the…

NASA study helps explain limit-breaking ultra-luminous X-ray sources

Exotic cosmic objects known as ultra-luminous X-ray sources produce about 10 million times more energy than…

Florida's brutal drought worsens; Orlando has hottest start to year on record

With less than 2 inches of rain this year, Orlando is enduring its second driest stretch…

Methane big part of 'alarming' rise in planet-warming gases

Methane in the atmosphere had its fourth-highest annual increase in 2022, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric…