Food forests are bringing shade and sustenance to US cities, one parcel of land at a time

More than half of all people on Earth live in cities, and that share could reach…

New evidence for the nature of matter from ancient galaxies in the early universe

Astrophysicists in Italy have shed new light on the nature of matter from the James Webb…

Cultural heritage and historic preservation: Creating a digital twin of Shahjahanabad

Cultural heritage is an intrinsic part of the urban landscape of historical cities. Its tremendous socioeconomic…

Tips for talking to kids about race and encouraging interracial friendships

In middle childhood, kids begin to self-segregate by race. A common assumption is that this behavior…

Male beetles neglect their genomes when competing for females

Male beetles face a trade-off between competing with other males for mating opportunities and repairing damage…

Archaeology shows how hunter-gatherers fit into southern Africa's first city, 800 years ago

Where the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers meet, forming the modern border between Botswana, South Africa and…

Hotter weather not diminishing runoff and river discharge as expected

Runoff and river discharge are important components in Earth’s water cycle, but as climate change tightens…

Lab-grown fat could give cultured meat real flavor and texture

Researchers have successfully bulk-produced fat tissue in the lab that has a similar texture and make-up…

Supernatural beliefs have featured in every society throughout history: New research helps explain why

Religion is a human universal. For thousands of years, humans have held religious beliefs and participated…

Australian parents want schools to teach more sex education topics and teach them from an earlier age

Decades of research have shown when relationships and sexuality education is delivered well, it can improve…