Analysis of dinosaur eggshells: Bird-like Troodon laid 4 to 6 eggs in a communal nest

An international research team led by Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, determined that Troodon, a dinosaur very…

Calcium sensor helps us to see the stars

Using cryo-electron microscopy and mass spectrometry, researchers from PSI have deciphered the structure of an ion…

Multi-country survey shows tendency to be altruistic is less common in association with conservative ideologies

Is the tendency to share with other people linked to political orientation? And in which way?…

Squash bees flourish in response to agricultural intensification

While pollinator populations of many species have plummeted worldwide, one bee species is blowing up the…

Innovative method predicts the effects of climate change on cold-blooded animals

In the face of a warming climate that is having a profound effect on global biodiversity…

Gulf offshore oil and gas production has double the climate impact as inventories report

By directly measuring greenhouse gas emissions from an airplane flying over the Gulf of Mexico, a…

Strong ultralight material could aid energy storage, carbon capture

2D materials get their strength from their atom-thin, sheet like structure. However, stacking multiple layers of…

Scientists in Arctic race to preserve 'ice memory'

Scientists camped in the Arctic are set to start drilling to save samples of ancient ice…

Can investigators use household dust as a forensic tool?

A North Carolina State University-led study has found it is possible to retrieve forensically relevant information…

Arctic seals are threatened by climate change, predators and human activities, says marine ecologist

The Saimaa ringed seal is not the only seal species suffering from global warming, as the…