Important enzyme for the composition of the gut microbiome discovered

The intestinal microbiome, i.e., the community of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in the human…

Molecular precursors to life discovered in the Perseus Cloud

Susan Iglesias-Groth, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and Martina Marín-Dobrincicof the Polytechnic University…

Lawyer claims lack of compliance by game makers for labels on games with loot boxes

Leon Xiao, a lawyer with the IT University of Copenhagen’s Center for Digital Play, has published…

Lipid nanoparticles stimulate innate immune cells more efficiently in younger individuals, finds study

Although the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are safe and effective at preventing severe…

Lipid nanoparticles engineered to specifically target pancreas in mouse model

Therapeutics that use mRNA—like some of the COVID-19 vaccines—have enormous potential for the prevention and treatment…

ALICE collaboration sees long-range spatial correspondence in simplest collisions yet

When atomic nuclei such as gold or lead nuclei collide at high energy in particle colliders,…

From yeast to mice, from mice to man: Senescent cells get noisier with age

Getting old seems completely avoidable in youth but becomes less and less so as we age.…

Hubble views Z 229-15, an intriguing active galaxy

This luminous image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows , a celestial object that lies…

SN 2019odp is a massive oxygen-rich Type Ib supernova, study finds

An international team of astronomers has conducted follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations of a supernova designated…

Pachyderm perfume: How African elephants use odor to communicate

University of Queensland researchers have found African elephants use their acute sense of smell as a…