Study reveals impact of roadkill worse than thought—some mammal populations could reach 'tipping point'

With millions of animals killed on roads every year wildlife conservation experts at Nottingham Trent University…

Researchers detect a new stellar stream from dwarf galaxy using Gaia DR3

The Milky Way increases its mass by merging with low-mass dwarf galaxies. Some of these dwarf…

Discovery of relativistic jets blowing bubbles in the central region of the Teacup galaxy

When matter falls into supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies, it unleashes enormous amounts…

Scientists calculate more than 3,000 billion tons of ice lost from Antarctic ice sheet over 25 years 

Scientists have calculated that the fastest changing Antarctic region—the Amundsen Sea Embayment—has lost more than 3,000…

Using experiments and simulations to uncover how animals find sources of scent plumes

In October 2, 2022, four days after Hurricane Ian hit Florida, a search-and-rescue Rottweiler named Ares…

Using optics to trace the flow of microplastics in oceans

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in diameter that have emerged as a…

A comprehensive analysis of the human and ocean health impacts of ocean plastics

For the first time, leading researchers from the fields of health care, ocean science, and social…

Large survey for exotic pet owners reveals concern for conservation

When exotic species such as parrots, snakes, monkeys or aquarium fishes are kept as pets, this…

Cell death, a life-giving event, can also trigger severe disease

When the body machinery that kills off hundreds of millions of cells a day fails, inflammation…

'Inkable' nanomaterial promises big benefits for bendable electronics

An international team of scientists is developing an inkable nanomaterial that they say could one day…