Local manure regulations can help reduce water pollution from dairy farms

Animal agriculture is a major source of water pollution in the United States, as manure runoff…

New research shows the prevalence of 'himpathy' towards perpetrators of workplace sexual harassment

Managers spend much of their time managing conflict and struggle to know how to respond when…

Workers' and bosses' trust in teleworking is key, says study

In recent years, teleworking—spurred by the implementation of information and communication technologies and the recent pandemic,…

Astronomers sound alarm about light pollution from satellites

Astronomers on Monday warned that the light pollution created by the soaring number of satellites orbiting…

What Darwin couldn't see: Expedition to uncover invisible life in Galápagos

An international research team led by the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) is to search for…

Douglas-fir in Klamath Mountains are in 'decline spiral,' research shows

Increases in mortality among Douglas-fir in the Klamath Mountains are the result of multiple factors that…

By studying lizards, researchers reveal the forces that shape biodiversity

“If you pick a spot in, say, a rainforest, and count the number of different species…

Discriminatory housing policies created an unequal park system in Minneapolis, new research shows

A new study by researchers at the University of Minnesota sheds light on the origins of…

A cat's sociable personality and a clean litterbox appear to decrease litterbox issues

Researchers at the University of Helsinki identified several links between various risk factors and feline litterbox…

Protein deficiency in neurons of patients with neurodegenerative diseases could be targeted by new gene therapy approach

TDP-43 is an RNA-binding protein that normally resides in the nucleus of neurons but is abnormally…