HD 213258 is a rapidly oscillating, strongly magnetic Ap star, study finds

Using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), astronomers have observed a chemically peculiar star known as HD 213258.…

Bizarre cretaceous bird from China shows evolutionarily decoupled skull and body

It is now widely accepted that birds are descended from dinosaurs. It is also understood that…

Breakthrough in plant breeding: Grafting and mobile CRISPR for genome editing in plants

A ground-breaking twist to the CRISPR tool—aka “genetic scissors”—is being put to use to edit plant…

Most species evolve by adapting to similar, large-scale environmental pressures, study finds

Since the days of Charles Darwin, evolutionary biologists have widely believed that most new species form…

Mysterious gamma-ray emitting bubbles around the center of the Milky Way explained

A scientist from Tokyo Metropolitan University has shown that large gamma-ray-emitting bubbles around the center of…

Researchers discover new process to create freestanding membranes of 'smart' materials

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team of scientists and engineers has developed a new method…

Waste not want not: Santiago's poorest district plants recycling seed

Every morning, trucks collect potato and avocado skins, orange peels and other food scraps that residents…

South Korea's lunar orbiter sends photos of Earth, Moon

South Korea’s first-ever lunar orbiter Danuri has sent black-and-white photos of the Moon’s surface and Earth,…

Spain confirms first death from 2021 volcano eruption

The first death from a months-long volcanic eruption on Spain’s La Palma island in 2021 has…

Spain sees hottest year on record in 2022

Spain in 2022 experienced the hottest year since records began, the country’s national weather service said…