Researchers characterize rare, damaged cells that block the functions of their neighbors

Researchers at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), ICREA, CIBERNED, CNIC and Altos Labs, among other national…

Groundwater replenishes much faster than scientists previously thought

A large part of the world’s liquid freshwater supply comes from groundwater. These underground reservoirs of…

Theoreticians discover why optical cavities curb the rate of chemical reactions

Chemical reactions occur on the scale of atomic vibrations—one million times smaller than the thickness of…

Beating Brassica blight: How treatment with amino acids can prevent disease

Plant diseases cause major agricultural losses annually, but the tools used to fight them can create…

Trio of smaller satellites to continue NASA/USGS's Landsat legacy

With a trio of smaller satellites that can each detect 26 wavelengths of light and thermal…

Rapid test based on specially designed magnetic nanoparticles reliably detects pathogens in a few seconds

The current rapid tests for diagnosing infectious diseases are speedy, but not really fast. For example,…

The oceans hold enormous carbon dioxide sequestration potential, making them an ally in the climate change fight

Enhancing the ocean’s ability to remove CO2 particles from the atmosphere will be crucial in the…

Optomechanics simulates graphene lattices

The precise control of micro-mechanical oscillators is fundamental to many contemporary technologies, from sensing and timing…

Radiation damage to paternal DNA is passed on to offspring: Study

Whether radiation exposure of fathers can have consequences on their children is one of the most…

'Better picker-upper' absorbs three times more liquid than a paper towel

When it comes to kitchen spills, paper towels and rags do the job. But using a…