Developing a standoff coherent Raman spectrometer

A novel air-laser-based standoff Raman spectrometer with high temporal and frequency resolutions has been constructed by…

Relativistic mirror made of plasma at kilohertz repetition rate

Scientists at the LOA (Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée) in France succeeded for the first time to drive…

Mammals island-hopped from Australia to colonize the world, claims paper

Australia, home to the most unusual animal species on the planet that defy imagination, can now…

Researchers synthesize new compound for production of plastics

Creating new synthetic compounds is often a complex and multi-step process that can take years of…

Astronomers discover two potentially habitable exo-Earths around a star near the sun

An international scientific team led by researchers at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has…

Audits can bring bad news or benefits to small businesses

An IRS audit can be a terminal event for a small business, especially if it’s found…

New research on antibiotic-resistant bacteria may be a step toward new treatments for infections

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose one of the greatest threats to global public health. In 2019, deaths due…

Game theory shows why sexual misconduct is underreported

The idea that there’s safety in numbers was a major driver behind the #MeToo movement, which…

Climate change belief not split along political divide

QUT researchers have found that climate change belief is not uniform in relation to political orientation. …

Better digital tools could help immigrants access benefits

A multitude of digital resources provides information to asylum seekers and other immigrants, but content is…