Using the power of symmetry for new quantum technologies

By taking advantage of nature’s own inherent symmetry, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden…

Are prices real? How ghosts of calculus and physics influenced what we pay for things today

With inflation in the UK and around the world threatening to spiral out of control, prices…

Insects may feel pain, says growing evidence: Here's what this means for animal welfare laws

At least a trillion insects are killed annually for food and animal feed. Routine slaughter methods…

Climate report: Earth saw its 9th-warmest November in 143 years

Last month was another unusually warm month, as the planet saw its ninth-warmest November on record. …

Nuclear fusion: how scientists can turn latest breakthrough into a new clean power source

Researchers in the US have finally fulfilled an objective that was set decades ago: the achievement…

Spotting plastic waste from space and counting the fish in the seas: here's how AI can help protect the oceans

You’ve seen the art AI image generators can create, and you may have played with natural…

Social media always remembers—which makes moving on from a breakup that much harder

Before the internet, people commonly burned Polaroids and love letters in a fire as an act…

London Underground polluted with metallic particles small enough to enter human bloodstream

The London Underground is polluted with ultrafine metallic particles small enough to end up in the…

Healthier diets for astronauts on spaceflights may improve health and performance

Astronauts could be given an enhanced diet during spaceflights that includes a greater variety and quantity…

Insights get the right fish on the right plate

To alleviate hunger and food insecurity, it’s not just the size of the fish catch—it’s about…