Invisible skin mites called Demodex almost certainly live on your face, but what about your mascara?

Demodex are a family of eight-legged mites that live in the hair follicles and associated sebaceous…

Fjords—small in size and number—are significant carbon reservoirs

If you’re worried about escalating human-induced climate change, consider adding fjords to your thank-you list during…

Using 'cat states' to realize fault-tolerant quantum computers

Error correction in quantum computers could be simplified by a new protocol proposed by an all-RIKEN…

One catalyst generates four nitrogen-containing products at high selectivities

Electrochemists at RIKEN have found a way to selectively convert nitrites into one of four other…

Single-electron devices could manage heat flow in electronic components

RIKEN physicists have fabricated a nanoscale “heat engine” that uses a property of electrons known as…

Life in action: Researchers capture 3D cellular dynamics across whole organism

Researchers have shown that a new microscopy technique can capture dynamic 3D images of an entire…

Scientists reveal secrets to burping black hole with the Green Bank Telescope

The NSF’s Green Bank Telescope (GBT) has revealed new information about mysterious radio bubbles surrounding a…

Tidal disruption event J150052 was caused by a rapidly spinning intermediate-mass black hole, study finds

Using NASA’s Chandra and ESA’s XMM-Newton space telescopes, astronomers from the Radboud University in the Netherlands…

A room-temperature terahertz camera based on a CMOS and quantum dots

Terahertz (THz) radiation is electromagnetic radiation ranging from frequencies of 0.1 THz to 10 THz, with…

New insights advance atomic-scale manufacturing

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers serendipitously discovered when they automated the beam of an electron microscope…