Ankylosaurs battled each other as much as they fought off T. rex

Scientists from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Royal BC Museum, and North Carolina Museum of Natural…

Forest wildflowers and their overstory trees are changing with climate, but not always keeping pace

For spring ephemerals, timing is everything. These special wildflowers grow in temperate forests around the world,…

Chemists develop reactions for the general synthesis of promising unexplored compounds

Chemists at Scripps Research have devised the first general method for synthesizing a family of compounds…

Study: Proximity to senior managers enhances inventors' productivity, creativity

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become increasingly common, but is it…

Art museums team up with scientists to ferret out fakes

Forgeries are a lucrative global market created by artists so skilled in both their craft and…

Tiny, hidden galaxy provides a peek into the past

Peeking out from behind the glare of a bright foreground star, astronomers have uncovered the most…

Meet the (protein) neighbors: New method lets researchers detect proteins in close proximity in single cells

Today, most methods to determine the proteins inside a cell rely on a crude census—scientists usually…

Traveling with friends helps even mixed-up migrators find their way

Some of us live and die by our phone’s GPS. But if we can’t get a…

Jawbone may represent earliest presence of humans in Europe

For over a century, one of the earliest human fossils ever discovered in Spain has been…

Rotten meat could be easier to detect thanks to new biosensor system

The supply chain that brings meat to market worldwide is highly complex and usually very efficient.…