New study finds that 70% of Florida's coral reefs are eroding

A new study has found that 70% of Florida’s reefs are eroding and experiencing net loss…

Study finds DNA repair declines with age, limiting fertility

Even worms have a ticking fertility clock. Older worms are less efficient at repairing broken DNA…

Study shows the majority of California's coastal airports are vulnerable to increased flooding caused by climate change

Most of California’s population and its largest airports are located along the Pacific coastline, which is…

New instrument measures supercurrent flow; data has applications in quantum computing

Jigang Wang offered a quick walk-around of a new sort of microscope that can help researchers…

Climate change in the forests of northern Germany: Team finds widespread drought stress in European beech

More and more trees are suffering the consequences of decades of manmade climate change. The growth…

Boosted by government programs, cover cropping is increasing across the US Midwest

Cover crops, with their ability to reduce erosion and promote soil health, are being planted across…

For biodiversity to thrive, conservation efforts must be 'nature and people positive,' experts say

In a new expert study published in the journal One Earth, an international team of scientists…

Forest resilience linked with higher mortality risk in western U.S., study finds

A forest’s resilience, or ability to absorb environmental disturbances, has long been thought to be a…

Biologists make case for guiding conservation with a local touch to fight climate change effects

As nature reels towards a hotter, drier, harsher future, new conservation tools—seed banks and frozen zoos,…

NASA is testing a new robotic arm that really knows how to chill out

Future planetary missions could explore in extremely cold temperatures that stymie existing spacecraft, thanks to a…