AI tool predicts when a bank should be bailed out

An artificial intelligence tool developed by researchers at UCL and Queen Mary University of London could…

COP must reverse rising pessimism over building sector decarbonization, new study argues

Social media engagement with climate policy events is vital to reducing building emissions and ensuring environmental…

Deadly coral disease in Florida and Caribbean may be transported in ship hulls, study finds

A new study suggests that ships may be spreading a deadly coral disease across Florida and…

Is your child in a center-based day care? Research shows no need for concerns about behavioral issues

Previous research indicates that extensive time in early center-based day care is correlated with high levels…

Vast phytoplankton blooms may be lurking beneath Antarctic ice

Until now, it’s been a common belief that the packed sea ice of the Southern Ocean…

The ocean in a cup: Environmental DNA successfully captures marine biodiversity

Measuring marine biodiversity with “environmental DNA”—an application of gene sequencing to environmental biology—should permit rapid assessment…

Research shows how history can affect the success and failure of ecological restoration

There’s a popular saying that people who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It turns…

Where humans live, microplastics end up in rivers, new research finds

A paper published in Environmental Pollution, authored by Saint Louis University (SLU) scientists, shows that human…

Inbred to well-fed: Maize breeding efforts to improve food security and safety in Africa

Over 300 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) depend on maize for nearly 30% of their…

Which weather characteristics affect agricultural and food trade the most?

Changing weather patterns have profound impacts on agricultural production around the world. Higher temperatures, severe drought,…