Air pollution high at US public schools with kids from marginalized groups, new study finds

Race- and ethnicity-based discrepancies in exposure to air pollution, especially regarding proximity to roadways and industrial…

Drought in China could devastate global supply chains, energy transition efforts, experts warn

Following a record-breaking drought over the summer, China is on the brink of a water catastrophe…

How to fight misinformation in the post-truth era

An article published in the Journal of Social Epistemology entitled “Institutions of Epistemic Vigilance: The Case…

Scroll through the universe with a new interactive map

A new map of the universe displays for the first time the span of the entire…

Fired SpaceX employees accuse company of violating labor law

Several SpaceX employees who were fired after circulating an open letter calling out CEO Elon Musk’s…

Made by women: Why women buy from women and men buy from women and men

Researchers from Technical University of Munich and Copenhagen Business School published a new paper in the…

Remote-controlled microscopes bring complex biology education to students worldwide

In many communities around the world, students’ ability and enthusiasm to pursue STEM fields in their…

Science misinformation on GMOs reaches quarter of a billion people, study finds

Over a two-year period, science misinformation about genetically modified crops and foods reached a potential global…

NASA's Perseverance Rover investigates intriguing Martian bedrock

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has begun exploring an area the science team calls “Yori Pass” near…

Salt-tolerant bacteria 'can fight fungal attacks on chili'

Salt-tolerant bacteria found in salt pans can be used to contain fungal attacks on chili (Capsicum…