Drones show potential to improve salmon nest counts

Struggling salmon populations could get some help from the sky. A Washington State University study showed…

Iconic 'Pillars of Creation' captured in new Webb image

The James Webb Space Telescope captured the iconic “Pillars of Creation,” huge structures of gas and…

Emerging technologies to improve thermometry reliability

In a recent paper co-authored by researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the…

A new stop along the cellular journey of recycling organelles in plants

A “hub and spoke” system enables plant cells to efficiently coordinate cellular trafficking, particularly for cellular…

With community at its core, Seattle moss study prompts improvements in two Duwamish Valley neighborhoods

A community science case study mapped heavy metals in moss in two industrial-adjacent neighborhoods in Seattle,…

Where does the energy of North Atlantic tropical cyclones come from?

Landfalling North Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) cause serious economic damage to human society. In the period…

Ostrich-like dinosaurs found in Mississippi are among the world's largest ornithomimosaurs at more than 800 kg

Ostrich-like dinosaurs called ornithomimosaurs grew to enormous sizes in ancient eastern North America, according to a…

Dating profile text perceived as more original may spark more attraction

A new study involving users of online dating sites has revealed a link between the perceived…

Number-crunching math models may give policy makers major headache

Mathematical models that predict policy-driving scenarios—such as how a new pandemic might spread or the future…

Deeper understanding of the icy depths informs global water circulation

Scientists have uncovered new details of how ice forming below the ocean surface in Antarctica provides…