Modifying water's structure as a low-energy method for removing pollutants

Fresh water is a finite resource vulnerable to contamination. Click here for original story,…

Black Canada lynx photographed for the first time

A black-coated Canada lynx was photographed for the first time by a researcher at the University…

Disinfection processes with better removal results for natural and synthetic progesterones in hospital wastewater

Hospital wastewater (HWW) contains plenty of persistent compounds, dangerous substances, and pathogenic microorganisms, such as antibiotics,…

Bacterial quorum quenched by bacterial enzyme

Bacteria produce slimy biofilms to coat and protect themselves and make them less susceptible to antimicrobial…

Scientists find novel way to optimize thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride alloys

Recently, a research team led by Prof. Qin Xiaoying from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of…

How scientists predict solar wind speed accurately using multimodality information

As more and more high-tech systems are exposed to the space environment, space weather prediction can…

Scientists compile Cassini's unique observations of Saturn's rings

Southwest Research Institute scientists have compiled 41 solar occultation observations of Saturn’s rings from the Cassini…

Native predatory fish help control invasive species in Hawaiian fishpond

Jacks and barracuda in Heʻeia fishpond were found to feed on Australian mullet, an invasive species…

Findings show that the Vikings' self-image was influenced by Ancient Rome

In the Late Viking Age, a grave was built that looks very similar to one of…

Climate change to increase lifetime of space pollution

Satellites face greater chances of collision with space debris as a result of reduced density in…