Taxes out, subsidies in: Australia and the US are passing major climate bills, without taxing carbon

At last, there’s action on climate change. The United States recently passed its largest climate bill…

Researchers identify virus resistance gene from wild grass for cereal crop improvement

Researchers from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences…

What's being done to protect astronauts from radiation in deep space?

In 1982, author James Michener published his sprawling novel “Space.” In it, he describes a fictional…

Chinese astronauts successfully grow rice in space

Rice is one of the world’s staple crops. It is regularly eaten by more than half…

Primate behavior changed as zoos closed for pandemic, research suggests

Primates spent more time resting and alone, performed more sexual and dominance behaviors and ate less…

Tidal disruption event AT2020opy investigated with radio telescopes

An international team of astronomers has inspected a tidal disruption event (TDE) known as AT2020opy using…

Archaeologists discover monumental evidence of prehistoric hunting across Arabian desert

Archaeologists at the University of Oxford’s School of Archaeology have used satellite imagery to identify and…

Gamma rays from a dwarf galaxy solve an astronomical puzzle

A glowing blob known as “the cocoon,” which appears to be inside one of the enormous…

Liquid cell transmission electron microscopy analysis of semiconductor nanocrystals

Semiconductor nanocrystals of different sizes and shapes can govern the optical and electrical properties of materials.…

New reaction facilitates drug discovery

Chemists at ETH Zurich have found a facile method that allows a commonly used building block…