Researchers find spaceflight may be associated with DNA mutations, increased risk of heart disease and cancer

Astronauts are at higher risk for developing mutations—possibly linked to spaceflight—that can increase the risk of…

Marine conservation in the Arctic: High time to prepare for the melting

The rapid rise in temperature in the Arctic is profoundly altering the region—with unknown consequences for…

New research reveals impact of rioting at the ballot box

Using the London riots of 2011 as a case study, researchers discovered that a significant number…

Simple technique ushers in long-sought class of semiconductors

Breakthroughs in modern microelectronics depend on understanding and manipulating the movement of electrons in metal. Reducing…

Discovery and naming of Africa's oldest known dinosaur

An international team of paleontologists led by Virginia Tech has discovered and named a new, early…

Peering into mirror nuclei, physicists see unexpected pairings

The atomic nucleus is a busy place. Its constituent protons and neutrons occasionally collide, and briefly…

Novel synthetic nanomembranes show potential to improve industrial efficiency and sustainability

A team from Queen Mary University of London, Imperial College London (U.K.), Northwestern University in Evanston…

When work becomes your religion, nothing else matters

In a country that has seen a steep decline in religious practice, what do we consider…

MAVEN and EMM make first observations of Mars' patchy proton aurora

NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) mission and the United Arab Emirates’ Emirates Mars Mission…

New detergents for drug research

Researchers at TU Dortmund University and Freie Universität Berlin have developed a process for producing new…